Batts not Bats

Almost one year ago we moved into, what I hope will be, our forever home. While we’ve been here we’ve had four or more interactions with bats. Yes, the wild flying rodents that are wonderful, as long as they stay outside. These; however, did not stay outside. A very long story short, we’ve learned that most bats in our region are negative for Rabies (we had one of our winged intruders tested to be sure).


The trouble maker cat and her prize. After sending off the bat for testing, we found that it was negative for Rabies. Thank goodness!

Yesterday, I finished spinning up 8 ounces of moorit shetland wool on my Electric Eel Wheel named Cydaea, and decided to try my hand at making a batt. Jarryd bought an adorable Baby Brother drum carder for me that I have been dying to play with. Since we moved in, most of my fiber and related supplies have been in storage at a friend’s house because our shop is not exactly temperature stable. One impulse buy I happened to have on hand was a grab bag of mixed fiber pieces and I grabbed several in shades of blue, purple, and pink to card together for a fun batt.


Definitely my preference of which bat(t) to find in my craft room.